7. Mechanical impact test of connector
Reference standard: EIA-364-27
Purpose: To verify the impact resistance of the connector and its components or to evaluate whether its structure is firm.
Test waveform: half-sine wave, square wave.
8. Cold and heat shock test of connector
Reference standard: EIA-364-32
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of the connector on its functional quality under rapid large temperature differences.
9. Connector temperature and humidity combined cycle test
Reference standard: EIA-364-31
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of connectors stored in high temperature and high humidity environments on the performance of connectors.
10. Connector high-temperature test
Reference standard: EIA-364-17
Purpose: To evaluate whether the terminal and insulator properties of the connector have changed after being exposed to a high-temperature environment for a specified time.
11. Connector salt spray test
Reference standard: EIA-364-26
Purpose: To evaluate the salt spray corrosion resistance of connectors, terminals, and coatings
12. Connector mixed gas corrosion test
Reference standard: EIA-364-65
Purpose: To evaluate the corrosion resistance of connectors exposed to different concentrations of mixed gas and its effect on its performance.